Two days after I arrived at a town north of London, I became a little bit uncomfortable surrounded by buildings, houses, and people in a small town. On August 24 I left a hotel in Stevenage, and boarded a train for London to visit Stonehenge, a famous prehistoric site about which enough data has not been fully collected yet. I changed trains at King's Cross and London Tower and arrived at Waterloo, where I took a train to Salisbury. I took a ride in a bus from the station to Stonehenge.
When I arrived at Stonehenge and saw the huge stones at the site, I felt disappointed. It does not mean that the stones were smaller than I had expected. But I was not very much moved to see the site. There were too many people around there, though I was one of them. After several minutes passed, the sky suddenly went dark and it started to rain. My umbrella was not large enough, and my trousers became wet. The rain and the wind lasted for a while. If it had not rained at that time there, my impression of the site would have been less deep.
「i. 旅行」カテゴリの記事
- 「門司港のある日」というスライドをClipchampで作成してみた。(2025.01.13)
- Cloud Gate(2015.11.21)
- What are you doing in a commuter train?(2010.04.24)
- Letchworth(2008.08.23)
- Natural History Museum(2008.08.26)