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August 12, 2010

Road to Nowhere

"America Goes Dark" By PAUL KRUGMAN http://nyti.ms/aFThWE "It’s the logical consequence of three decades of antigovernment rhetoric . . . "

Take a look at this funny and sad(?) video. Talking Heads - "Road To Nowhere" http://bit.ly/d5tlAo

"When we give millionaires more money instead, . . . most of that money will just sit idle."-- "America Goes Dark": http://nyti.ms/aFThWE

"Interaction-Canada: or how "feel good" public spending is unstoppable . . . " Is he referring to every government? http://bit.ly/clPRSW

Take a look at this: "Millions of Americans are losing their jobs, their homes and their hopes for the future."(http://nyti.ms/9EYJGB)

"A lot of the people who want monetary tightening start from a prejudice — just dislike the idea of easy money . . . ."-- Paul Krugman http://nyti.ms/bIGwbV


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