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September 10, 2010

The pastor of a Florida church

BBC News - Petraeus: Koran burning plan will endanger US troops
"The top US commander in Afghanistan has warned that troops' lives will be in danger if an American church sticks to its plan to burn copies of the Koran."

BBC News - How pastor was convinced to put 'on hold' Koran burning
"The pastor of a small US church who planned to burn copies of the Koran on the anniversary of 9/11 has said his plan is now on hold. Terry Jones said he was calling off the event after the group behind a planned Islamic centre near Ground Zero in New York agreed to relocate it. But the cultural centre's organisers said they had no plans to move it."

Why does the pastor have a gun on his desk in the church?

I agree with this. RT @QuakerQuotes: Let us focus on the adopting the opposite attitudes and emotions of those that attacked us on Sep 11 2001

I am not a Christian but support "Friends Committee on National Legislation - A Quaker Lobby in the Public Interest"( FCNL http://bit.ly/cdtaDv ).

My letter to you on this special day... "If the 'Mosque' Isn't Built, This Is No Longer America" http://mmflint.me/bXOjpB


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