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November 18, 2010

"Japanese English"

Can you understand the meanings of the following "Japanese English" words? They are from a booklet tilted "ニホン英語は世界で通じる" by Professor Mineo Suenobu.

1) Sunday Christian
2) jet fruit
3) paper driver
4) sky parking
5) kitchen drinker

Other famous(?) so-called Japanese English words include "bed towns," "gasoline stand," "skinship," and so on. Refer to http://bit.ly/9QuLr3

In the Japanese language "Hotchkiss," which is spelt "ホッチキス," means "stapler" in English. You can see one or two "Hotchkisses" on every desk in every office in Japan. http://www.max-ltd.co.jp/

The Strange Tale of the Hotchkiss http://j.mp/cMKugU


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