How we are illogical or superstitious!
The year of the horse has ended and this year is called "the year of the sheep" according to the Chinese zodiac.
A newspaper article reported that some Chinese people believe that "only one out of ten sheep people can find happiness in their lives." I am not Chinese, but I know that I belong to the cow people. I read somewhere that cow people are "bright and patient." "They do not mind being alone, . . ." I could not possibly comment about my "brightness," but I illogically feel that the other things are true. Please don't breathe a word about this because I don't want to be regarded as an illogical person.
For China's birthrate, this may be a bad sign
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「b. 社会」カテゴリの記事
- 諸富徹『人口減少時代の都市:成熟型のまちづくりへ』(中公新書、2018年)(2025.02.08)
- 「前年度からの社会動態増減」がプラスになっても、社会増減がプラスになっているわけではない。(2025.02.06)
- 『湛山回想』『ナチズムの記憶:日常生活からみた第三帝国』『新・反グローバリズム:金融資本主義を超えて』(2025.01.25)
- 人口減少の時代と地域社会について(2025.01.22)
- Z世代課の成果と思わせようとする北九州市のグラフについて(2025.01.18)