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March 07, 2016

Donald Trump will never make the country "great".

"Trump has been accused of racism for literally as long as he's been in public life — in his capacities as a real estate developer, a TV star, and now as a politician. At various times, he's insulted African Americans, the Japanese, Native Americans, Muslim Americans and Latinos."
"Timeline: Donald Trump has been getting called racist since 1973"

"At least eight top figures in the marginalized white nationalist movement said — in recent posts, podcasts, and interviews with BuzzFeed News — that they want Trump."
Top Racists And Neo-Nazis Back Donald Trump

If these descriptions are true, Donald Trump will never make the country "great". He might be a "heretic" to most Americans with common sense. I am not sure why he is so popular with some Americans. Are they "poor whites" who adore the tycoon in the real estate and casino business? Do they want to see a reckless authoritarian leader or "Führer" at the balcony of the White House.?


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