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March 08, 2016

"Political correctness"

"Political correctness" is not the cause of socal problems. We are more or less irrational and xenophobic. There should be some rules when "xenophobic people" have to discuss public or common issues. I don't know why some people hate PC so much and enjoy bulling others. It is, of course, needless to say that "equality before the law" is different from, and more fundamental than, PC. You should not confuse PC with the more fundamental principle in modern society. 

"PC is used to describe language, behaviour, and attitudes that are carefully chosen so that they do not offend or insult anyone."(LDOSE)

You can say anything in your closet. Political correctness is mainly related to the way we communicate each other in public places. It is not necessarily a legal matter. If you don't like some PC expressions, you may disregard them at your own risk. Trump reportedly declared that Glenn Beck, who is a comedian-turned commentator, is a 'really dopey guy' who 'looks like hell.' I don't know how Trump should have said this with political correctness.


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