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August 08, 2016

Political correctness and power harassent

Freedom of speech should be and is protected by law. In reality, however, it is not easy to say what you think. For example, if your employment status is not stable, you tend to refrain from speaking against your superiors at work. Trump can say anything to his employees, but they must have courage if they want to criticize him. There is an imbalance of power here. Trump can bully his employees, but they cannot bully him. I think that "political correctness" should be discussed in this context.

"Power harassment is harassment or unwelcome attention of a political nature, often occurring in the environment of a workplace including hospitals, schools and universities. It includes a range of behavior from mild irritation and annoyances to serious abuses which can even involve forced activity beyond the boundaries of the job description."---Wikipedia

The above excerpt is from an article about "power harassment". The right of free speech does not include the right of power harassment or "bullying".


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