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December 18, 2016

Due process

What do I think about the president of the Phillipines? I don't know much about him. Did he really major in law?  Does he really know what criminal law stipulates about the rights of "suspects"? Was he mayor of a city somewhere in that country?
I wonder how many people who are not drug dealers have been killed by the authorities without due process after he became president. I wonder how they differentiate between drug dealers and the others because I don't think that drug dealers wear a specific uniform.

There are several famous online English courses in Japan that employ teachers from the Philippines. I hear that they have been a very successful business model. However, I imagine that Rodrigo Duterte's lack of understanding about "due process" and his outrageous remarks about US President Barack Obama are causing damage to the image of the state, which may have a lot of competent English teachers. Who would want to talk with teachers from Rodrigo Duterte's country? Can they talk freely about their president? I feel sorry for the Filipino teachers.


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