d. 言語

April 21, 2023





I had a native English speaker review the English translation of the blog post I wrote yesterday. It seems that ChatGPT provides more accurate translations of the Japanese text I wrote than DeepL.

Yesterday I asked someone whose native language is English to review the English translation of a blog post I wrote. It appears that ChatGPT was a more accurate translation of the text I wrote in Japanese than DeepL.




April 20, 2023




Continue reading "ブログは母語で書こうと思う。"


April 12, 2023






October 17, 2020





October 15, 2020





February 03, 2017

Two characters for the word "station"

I recently realized that 站 in Chinese means station(火车站). The character is made up of two parts: standing(立) and occupying(占); I don't know how the character is pronounced. (Does Zhàn show its pronunciation?)
One the other hand, 駅(えき) is used for the English word in Japanese, and the left part of this kanji means a horse(馬). I suppose that before steam locomotives(蒸気機関車) were invented, you could see horses at 駅, which can refer to a town along highways(街道, 幹線道路) as well as a railway(鉄道) station.


December 07, 2016

Who would want to learn his speech by heart?

I happened to visit a bookshop in a huge mall yesterday. On a shelf, among other books for learners of the English language, I glimpsed a book about Donald Trump's speeches during the election campaign. If I am not mistaken, the title was "The Speeches of Donald Trump". I wonder who needs to purchase a book of this sort to study the English language. He is addicted to name-calling and almost all his speeches are outrageous. I don't think his English is appropriate if you want to learn polite English. Also, his sentences are sometimes vague and grammatically irregular.

Do you ever think of memorizing these sentences?
"I don't believe in human-induced global warming.
Vaccinations cause children to get autism.
If we use chlorofluorocarbon gases in a closed room, it does't affect the ozone layer."
The above excerpt is from "Fears spread over Trump's anti-science remarks"(The Japan News by The Yomiuri Shinbun)


July 14, 2016

Boris Johnson as Foreign Secretary

“We do not need to fear the Chinese,” he[Boris Johnson] said. “China will not dominate the globe. We do not need to teach babies Mandarin.” “Compared with the old British Empire, and the new American imperium, Chinese cultural influence is virtually nil, and unlikely to increase.”-- The Independent

Boris Johnson’s appointment as Foreign Secretary is reportedly raising some eyebrows. Is Boris Johnson qualified to be Foreign Secretary? Is he qualified to be a prophet who are expected to give Brexit supporters some hope of reconstruction of the crushed empire?

Do you agree with his opinion about foreign language education in the UK?

Don't get near to reckless Boris Johnson. He also looks very heavy. I wonder how many innocent cows no less than the same size of him are slaughtered for food every day in his backyard.

Boris Johnson knocks over 10-year-old during rugby game in Japan
The Guardian


July 12, 2016

What motivates you to learn the language?

I am interested in Chinese characters and the grammatical order of them in a sentence, but I feel that pronunciations are very difficult. I think that the German language is easier to learn because its pronunciation is not so complicated.

What motivates you to learn the language? I am interested in Chinese classics, but not in political documents and what you might call business Chinese. I prefer Karl Marx to Mao Zedong. If Geoge Orwell and W. Somerset Maugham had been Chinese, I would have studied their language. Perhaps, I would read Chinese classics by means of kanbun kundoku("漢文訓読" in kanji), which is character-by-character translation in a specific style of Japanese.

The following is an example of kanbun kundoku. We read the original text by changing the order of the Chinese characters and adding kana letters.

---> 楚人盾矛與鬻者有(楚人に盾と矛とを鬻ぐ者有り)



"no more than", "not less than", "no less than", and "not less than".

"When we use 'no less than ...', we add a little attitude to what we are saying."

I am not sure if the above forum is authoritative, but you would notice the differences between " no more than", "not more than", " no less than", and "not less than". They are not interchangeable.

However, I don't know if native speakers of English do differentiate between "not more than something" and "no more than something". I read somewhere that they now tend to think that the two expressions are the same.
